My Favorite Tools in Business - and Life!  Connecticut Branding Photographer Kate Wark Photography 

There are a few things that, as a Connecticut branding photographer and busy mom, I quite simply couldn’t get through the day without. They range from beverages to software to pen and paper products, and each plays an important role in helping me function better - and better enjoy - each day. If you’re curious about the things that help make me tick, read on for my favorite tools for life and business! 

  • Starbucks Chai Tea Lattes

While not drinking coffee is one of those things that always surprises people about me, I have another confession. For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve been hooked (and I mean HOOKED) on Starbucks chai tea lattes. My order is as elaborate - ahem, extra - as they come: an almond milk, no water, no foam, chai with five pumps of chai and two pumps of sugar-free vanilla. Sometimes I buy two at a time and keep one in the fridge, so I don’t have to go out every day and buy one. And I nurse that thing throughout the day, heating it up no less than 10 times in the microwave. Yes, I realize I am totally ridiculous. 

  • MacBook Pro

I’m a Mac girl through and through, and I tried for years to run my business on an iMac and a MacBook…but the MacBook Pro is where it’s at. Frankly, it’s the only computer with the bandwidth to handle the size and volume of the photo files I work with. Without this laptop, I can’t deliver photo galleries to my clients. So, while it’s the priciest of the computer options you’ll find, it’s a necessity and it’s worth every penny.

  • Software

I rely on Photo Mechanic to cull - or select - favorite images from sessions in an incredibly fast and efficient manner. I then take those favorites and import them into Adobe Lightroom where I edit them for final delivery. When I work with my editor Nicole (another amazing “tool” in my toolkit), I simply edit a few images for her to mirror and then send her a catalog of the images to complete. This combination of software and outsourced help from a talented human helps me deliver final galleries to clients even faster.

  • Dubsado

Dubsado is my customer relationship management (CRM) software. It’s where my contracts, invoices, schedulers and proposals stem from. I can use Dubsado to set up automated emails, like payment and session reminders, and keep track of sessions. It’s essentially the heartbeat of my business. If setting up a CRM like Dubsado seems like a daunting task, Colie James offers a series of programs to help get you up and running. I went through her CRM Blueprint Course for Creatives in 2021 and it was a game-changer for my business. 

  • Simplified Planner 

While most of the tools mentioned so far were digital, I’m also a big fan of pen + paper. Because of this, my Emily Ley Simplified planner is never far from my fingertips. I’ve always felt that writing things down, and being able to glance at them when needed, helps my brain to remember all the things. The layout - with its monthly view, weekly view, and daily view - is SO user-friendly. The Simplified planner is not flimsy, but it’s also light enough to take almost anywhere…which I’ve been known to do. 

  • Pilot Pens

I know I just explained that I’m a pen and paper fan, but I’m not a fan of just ANY pens. I only ever want to write with my trusty Pilot. Specifically, the G2 premium roller gel, fine point 0.7 mm pens in black ink. Yes, I realize this is as specific and ridiculous as my Starbucks order, but if you haven’t written notes with this pen, come back and tell me how much you love them. Because you will. 

  • Cultivate Planner

This is not a daily planner for everyday appointments, but a goal-setting planner...and setting goals is my jam. The Cultivate PowerSheets system breaks down the process of setting goals in a way that helps keep you accountable and, ultimately, achieve them. 2024 will be my third year using the Cultivate planner and it’s always very rewarding to look back on the goals I set at the beginning of the year and see what was accomplished. I’m a huge believer in writing down your goals and wishes. Magic happens when you put intention towards your dreams. It helps when you have a system of doing do, and such a pretty one at that. 

  • Voxer

Voxer is a smartphone messaging app that allows you to message, in real time, with friends and peers. And it’s SO MUCH BETTER than text because it acts like a walkie-talkie: press the button, hear the beep, and speak. Rinse, repeat. This app has kept me connected with my photography friends that I met through Sabrina Gebhardt’s mastermind groups. These friends live all over the county but are just a beep away from being right here with me and I love it for that. 

I’m always fascinated by how people organize their work and home lives, so these are a few of the tools I use to organize mine. If you have any questions about anything I mentioned, drop me a line and I’m always happy to chat. Better yet, find me on Voxer. ;)

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