The Inside Scoop on In Home Newborn Sessions

I absolutely love an in-home newborn session. But the first thing I do when someone reaches out about scheduling one of these special sessions, is respond with a few key questions.

Namely – I ask: are you looking for sleepy baby photos, with your newborn in a basket? Or, do you just LOVE a themed shoot, with props galore? 

If the answer to either of these questions is yes, a newborn session with me is, well, not for you! 

And that’s ok! There are so many incredible local photographers who do the posed, studio newborn sessions so incredibly well, and that’s not me. So I happily refer these folks along when this happens.

My newborn sessions are lifestyle-based, meaning that they take place in your home, where you and your baby live, make the most memories and are most comfortable. They are natural, window light over studio light. They are bare feet over high heels. They are cozy piles on your bed, vs staged poses in front of a backdrop. They are all the itty bitty baby and nursery details over swaddles galore. If this sounds like your speed, you’ve come to the right place. I’m all about these special, in-home sessions. 

Here’s more on my approach:

We’ll Take All the Time we Need


The first thing to express about these in home newborn sessions is that there is absolutely no rush. Brand new babies are still learning the ropes of life, and we can’t predict how baby’s day will go, or how often we’ll need to break for diaper changes or feedings, or just a little soothing. In fact, because these are the very things that make up so much of life with a newborn, I love to photograph them, if you’re comfortable with that. 


House Prep is Minimal 


If shooting a session at home makes you nervous or concerned about the state of your house, don’t let it! You do NOT have to have a spotless home for this. I simply encourage surfaces to be cleared IF the things on them are not part of the decor OR if they will drive you crazy in a photograph. Sometimes this can be bedside table clutter (like cords from the baby monitor, or a glass of water from the night before) or coffee cups from breakfast on the coffee table. I also recommend opening window treatments / blinds / shades to let as much light in as possible. 


While the nursery and primary bedroom and bed are often photographed in these sessions, I'll be looking around your home when I arrive for the best pockets of light. If that's not in those spaces (or if for any reason you want me to avoid any particular spaces) no worries at all. Sometimes the best spots are the least expected. 


Even Indoors, the Weather Matters 


I know it can come as a surprise when I say that I really do require a good, bright weather day, even though our session will take place indoors. A cloudy (or worse, rainy and stormy) day simply doesn’t let in enough light through your windows and doorways and light is one of the single most important elements to a successful shoot and images that you’ll love. I track the weather pretty manically a few days ahead of the session so that we can make a final call the day before, if at all possible. I know rescheduling can be difficult but I firmly believe it’s better to adjust now to get photos you’ll love forever. 


What to Wear 


I’m a big fan of simple, timeless neutrals for sessions at home. Incorporating prints is amazing, but I recommend one of you wear prints and the rest dress in coordinating colors – that way there is no accidental clashing. While as parents to a newborn, you are used to putting baby first, I strongly encourage mom to dress herself first. If you want to go casual, keeping your feet bare and donning leggings and a tunic or sweater in a solid, neutral shade is always a great option. If you want to elevate and love the flowy dress vibe - which photographs beautifully, by the way - I highly recommend Baltic Born or Joyfolie


Having hair and makeup done is also always an option, and I have a great list of local makeup artists to share if you’d like to consider it. Though it’s not a necessary part of the session process, I know that this can help some feel a little more confident and camera ready. 


For baby things, I always love shopping local, and in Ridgefield Sammy + Nat and Bella Home have beautiful newborn outfits that would be quite special in these shots. Zara Kids and H&M are also great options for simple onesies and classic, comfortable looks that will stand the test of time. And, to be honest, even a simple, non-branded white onesie by Carter’s is a great choice. You’re guaranteed to avoid clashing with blankets or crib sheets and the focus will remain on that beautiful baby of yours. 


Hopefully this gives you a good idea of what a newborn session is all about. Have more questions? Email me anytime! I’d love to hear from you!